Etsy Home Management Printable Training

In Etsy Home Management Printable Listing Training, Carmen will show you her technique that has successfully got her new Home Management Planner printable on the First Page of Etsy along with other big printable sellers!
Video training on the exact workflow of how Carmen researches keywords for Home Management Printable products using erank, creating eye-catching product images and how she creates a Home Organization Printable listing on Etsy.
In the first video, you will see:
Carmen's customized version of Roxy's Household Planner Canva template and briefly how I customize it.
Carmen's workflow in creating the eye-catching product images for the listing using Canva Etsy Printable Mockup templates and how I decide on each product image.
In the second video, you will see:
The tools that Carmen uses to help writing the product description and perform SEO keyword research
How Carmen finds the right pricing point for the product by researching on Etsy.
How Carmen set up a PDF delivery file with personal license information and call-to-action to deliver the printable from DropBox.
In the third and fouth videos:
How Carmen performs SEO keyword research on home management printables using erank, an online research tool and how she uses the keywords throughout my listing in title, tags and description.
How Carmen uses an AI writer tool called to quickly and easily create the introductory paragraph of the product description so she doesn't have to write from scratch.
How Carmen puts everything together to create an Etsy listing.
You will also get my 30 Home Organization Printable Keywords to use on Etsy For Free!
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